
We recognize the challenges faced by Underrepresented Minority groups and the lack of diversity within the scientific community. We strive to have a lab that truly represents our society. We actively encourage people from all backgrounds to apply to our lab.

Undergraduate students

We are happy to hear from motivated undergraduate students interested in working with us. A substantial weekly time (12-15 hours) commitment for at least one year is expected. Interested students may work in the laboratory for X490 credit, as part of an Indiana University undergraduate research program, or on a voluntary basis.

Graduate students

Prospective students interested in working in the lab as a graduate student are encouraged to contact Dr. Wang and apply to the Indiana University Bloomington’s Microbiology Program or Genome, Cell and Developmental Biology (GCDB) Program. Those who are already enrolled in one of these programs should contact the respective program director and Dr. Wang regarding a lab rotation.

Postdoctoral fellows

We are currently accepting applications for a postdoctoral fellow position. We are excited to hear from candidates who are enthusiastic about bacterial cell biology and chromosome biology, and have experience in genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, or cell biology. If you are interested in conducting postdoctoral research in the lab, contact Dr. Wang with a concise email explaining why you are interested in our research, and why you believe you would be a good fit for the lab.